IL BACIO DELLA MEDUSA - Discesa agl'inferi d'un giovane amante

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A Young Lover's Descent into Hell


I. Preludio: Il Trapasso… / Prelude: The Passing away...

Watch my body
As it lies drained on the ground ...
The day folds on
As policemen in war...

Already the wind rises
To raise the dust...
Heavy boats
Move towards hell...

The air burns on me...
In the silence I look for you...

It will not be the rain
To console the trees
Nor the Sun will rise from the East...

Hunger won’t come
To torture the bowels
Nor I will surrender to thirst...


II. Confessione d’un Amante… / Confessions of a Lover...

Among people we seek each other,
But darkness is between us,
A book was all it took,
In the sultriness of noon...

Francesca I love you,
Lean on my chest,
I would like your hair
To quiver on me...

The punishment of
 floundering about,
As I grasp your hands,
Do you remember the horrid iron
That tormented our flesh

Francesca I love you
For this eternity,
In the dark caverns
At last the light will come

The tears that I cry
I cry them for love,
I’ve been destined to love
A woman once betrothed to another

Francesca my silence
Caused by the agony
Let the horns blare
The beast growls over us...

III. La Bestia ed il Delirio… / The Beast and Delirium…

IV. Recitativo: È nel buio che risplendono le stelle… / Recited: It is in darkness that the stars shine...

In Gethsemane
Olive trees bend
Dripping in blood...

And among their knotted branches
Only the robin
Is allowed to place its abode...

It is in the void that lies the infinite essence of the cosmos
It is in the void that the infinite becomes measurable…

The cry of the man
Who now lies defeated on the ground
Devastated by the blades of time...

And I'm left to collect my shadow
Like an old smelly jacket
That had fallen behind me...

It is in the void that lies the concert of the chosen minds
It is in the void that the genesis of every creation becomes

Too many have forgotten that
Oblivion is the cancer of knowledge...

And again…

It is in darkness that lies the magic of every light
It is in darkness that stars shine…

V. Ricordi del Supplizio… / Memories of the Agony...

I remember the violence of my death
His breath hanging over my neck
Who will punish the executioner
Who brought us to the torment
Many years ago...

The blade that violated our flesh
Did not delay, even on your breasts...
Damned the hand
Which brought us torture
Many years ago...

The old man who begged for his bread
Was given a stick to feed himself with
I never saw whose smile it was
That broke my tears many years ago...

The remains of the lovers that greeted their ladies
Were left
  in foreign lands...
I never saw whose remorse
It was that gave me regret
Many years ago

VI. Nostalgia Pentimento e Rabbia… / Nostalgia Repentance and Anger...

Come morning
Awaken my limbs,
Let the air return
To breathe in our chests…

Our stone
Lost in darkness,
For too many decades has admired
The hawthorn climbing...

I hear the concert of every creature,
Of every bush that will be...
Damn life
You mercilessly stained my May...

The eyes that once
Rested on your moon-dressed breasts
Now in vain portray your forms
In the mist...

The fog comes every day
To bite our worn-out ankles,
Tired of a fate dictated
By the insane mark of Cain...

If I met God now,
I’d invoke His forgiveness...
I’d ask "Do You know
  the Flesh,
Have you ever sighed for Love?"

"Thou who dictated the laws to Moses,
Have you ever been led into temptation?"
"Thou who dwell in the highest heaven,
Have you ever been burnt by the Hellish Fire? "...

VII. Sudorazione a Freddo sotto il Chiaro di Luna… / Cold sweating under the Moonlight...

VIII. Melencolia… / Melancolia…

Rise sun from the markets of the East,
Shine with the gold of the temples that cheated my mind,
Blow a libeccio on the hopeful sails,
Let the stems advance safe on seething waves…

But why
Didn't a gypsy come to me
To read my palm,
At least I would have had time to think...

But why
Did I place my childish lusts
Between the thighs
And welcoming belly
Of experienced ladies...

Once I picked a forbidden apple
But one bite was not enough to satisfy my hunger,
I drank from a gushing source of wine,
A sip did not help to quench
  my thirst...

But why
Did I spend my nights,
Wandering under the covers
Of strange beds
In search of sighs...

But why,
When I thought I loved,
On a day just
  like another,
I was returned to the ground
By the blade of a dagger...

IX. E Fu Allora che dalle fiamme mi sorprese una calda Brezza Celeste… / It was then that from the flames a warm celestial breeze caught me by surprise...

A warm wind numbs the limbs...
A young lover's descent into hell

X. Nosce Te Ipsum: La Bestia ringhia in Noi… / Nosce Te Ipsum (Know Yourself): The Beast growls inside us...

XI. Corale per Messa da Requiem… / Choral for a Requiem Mass...

XII. Epilogo: Conclusione della Discesa agl’Inferi d’un Giovane Amante… / Epilogue: End of a young lover's descent into hell…

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